Outsourced Fulfilment

Should Your Business Consider Outsourced Fulfilment?

June 7, 2021 -

There are few things more exciting than that stage when your little start-up really begins to catch on and grow, but it is never entirely free of teething problems. 

Adjusting to growing demand requires constant reassessment and strategizing, and many business owners find themselves understaffed, under-resourced, and struggling to keep up. As soon as one issue is solved, another one pops up to take its place. 

In this sense, it can feel a little like spinning plates, and there’s nothing more nerve-wracking than seeing your baby spread its wings and fly only to take a nasty tumble.

It is at this stage of development that business owners need to make a decision about what they will outsource, and generally, one of the first things they choose is order fulfilment. 

If you’re used to doing everything yourself, this can feel like a big and risky step, but the benefits are clear. Outsourced fulfilment not only allows you to reduce your shipping rates and operating costs but it can help you reach new markets. 

In this blog, we break down some of the top 4 benefits of outsourcing fulfilment.

1) Focus Your Attention Where It Needs to Be

One of the great benefits of any outsourcing (provided you choose the right service provider) is that it gives you the breathing space to focus on the parts of your business that you and your staff are most qualified for. 

There’s no doubt that order fulfilment plays a big role in how your customers feel about your business, but the boxes that need ticking – punctual shipping, a straightforward channel for enquiries, etc. – don’t vary that much. 

Your business, on the other hand, is ideally unique or exceptional in your field, and staying ahead of the pack means having your thumb on the pulse at all times. This is exactly what outsourcing fulfilment can offer you.

2) Reduce Your Shipping Costs

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Most order fulfilment providers serve many external clients, and their shipping orders are much larger than most individual organisations. 

This means they can receive bulk discounts on shipping and savings, which are then passed on to you. 

By outsourcing your fulfilment, you can expect to save around 15% – 30% of total shipping costs.

3) Reduce Your Warehousing Costs

Another benefit of outsourcing your fulfilment is that those agencies have their own warehouses. 

This means that, rather than having to rent or buy a whole warehouse, you pay for only the space you actually need for your items.

4) Streamline Your Shipping Process

At Brand Services, we use the latest, highly developed shipping processes and technology to create streamlined warehousing, inventory management, and drop shipping solutions. 

Our warehouse facility provides a professional and dependable service from concept to delivery.

Contact Brand Services Today

To find out how Brand Services’ order fulfilment and logistics services can help your business grow, head to the Contact us section of our website and get in touch by phone or email today!